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03/06/2011 |
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05/01/2025 |
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Why do you chosen our company
-RRACC is one of accounting company to obtain the quality accounting firm certified by Department of Business Development, The Ministry of Commerce since 2008.
-RRACC is approved as "TAX AGENT" by The Revenue Department of Thailand since 2005.
-RRACC is a member of "Thai Accounting Firms Association" or "TAFA" since 2003 which coordinate the collaboration between Department of Business Development and Ministry of Commerce in the quality of accounting business and is widely well known.
-RRACC is the professional of accounting services and has experience more than 25 years.
RRACC has commitment to make the quality services and standard in according to rule and treatment of Department of Business Development and The Revenue Department including support customer requirement. So you can trust and confidence in our quality of accounting service. |